Saturday, March 31, 2012

If I could right the a-hole a letter...

it would go something like this.

Mr. Larry Lepore, 

I can tell by your condescending tone over the phone that you think you are more important than everyone, and I just wanted to assure you that you are not. I think that your behavior during this entire ordeal has been pathetic. In the past it has taken weeks for you to return my emails, no one in your department knows what they are talking about, and I have a ton of emails with very conflicting information from numerous people on your staff. I plan on taking you and your department to court for not properly identifying the property as a public park when we bought our home and for, by your own admission and the admission of numerous other staff members, being unable to enforce your own park rules. I think it is really sad that none of you have any compassion for a small family trying to make their home in your city. Hayward needs more citizens who actually care about their properties and don't want kids dealing drugs next door, vandalizing buildings, or running gates down with their cars. All I asked yesterday was that you compromise with me on the hours, and you can't even do that because the truth is that you don't give a crap about the little people like me. And it's too bad, because now we are leaving Hayward. It's all very clear to me that the downfall of Hayward is self-important pricks like you who don't actually care about the regular citizens here, but are looking forward to living off of their hard earned tax money for the rest of your life. I hope that the fact that you and your department's severe lack of communication, compassion, and consideration that has ruined my family's American dream will weigh heavily on your conscience. Thank you for putting my husband, my two year old daughter, and me through hell. I won't forget it. 

No response necessary, 

Jillianne Libbe

But Brian won't let me :( So I posted it here instead. Haha. Don't get on my bad side! 

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