Friday, January 27, 2012

First blog post..kind of scary.

Hello! Happy Friday!

I guess I should use my first blog post to explain what I'm doing here. I'm a housewife. The fact that I am actually a housewife just hit me a few weeks ago, even though I've been one for about 3 years. For the past 2 1/2 years I have been a stay at home mom to quite a delightful little girl. Although she is amazing, smart, adorable, and I know that I'm incredibly lucky to have such a mild mannered child and a husband who takes such good care of hasn't been an easy road.

I always thought I was going to be a teacher and have this amazing career. I worked in a special education classroom as a teaching assistant and it was the most rewarding job I had ever had so I thought, hey why not be a high school teacher? And then I walked into a high school classroom for my first day of observations and said nooo thank you. It just wasn't for me. So what now? I had a bit of an identity crisis. Here I am with a BA in psychology and absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life. It took me a long time to realize that being a stay at home mom and an the best wife I can be IS what I want to do with my life.

I think it's tragic that stay at home moms and "homemakers" are so undervalued in our society today. I guess they always have been undervalued. Tell me, what is so wrong with me wanting to stay home and raise my own child that I wanted to have? I've never missed a single thing in Gemma's life. I was there the first time she tried solid food, the first time she went to the zoo, the first word she spoke ("yuck!"), her first get the idea. I'm not saying that working moms are doing something wrong, that just isn't the choice I made. Sure I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing half the time (that's where "awkward" comes in) but I couldn't be happier. I love my family and I love taking care of people. I guess it's the Italian in me :)

As a result of our decision that I would be a stay at home mom/homemaker, Brian and I have had to sacrifice a lot so that we can survive on one income. That's where my craftiness comes in. I love to be creative. My creativity has been my saving grace and is probably why I enjoy being home so much. I get to play all day! This blog is going to be all about my creations and inspiration that I find around the web. Some are just for fun, some are functional, some you can eat :), and some are projects specifically designed for kids (toddler age!) From time to time I will also share the tips and tricks that I have learned along the way to help other women (or men) who might be just as clueless about keeping up a home as I am.

Here is to 2012, the year I will simplify my life, live in the moment, and do what I love to do. With confidence. <3