Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fun food!

Make it into shapes, and they will eat it. At least my kid will.

My first attempt at this went REALLY well.

-Quesadilla flower cut with a petal cake decorating thing I got at Joann, and pureed squash in the middle. 

She ate everything on that plate and then had seconds and thirds. Well accept for the arugula..I was just getting too excited. She did try it though! And promptly spit it out.

So because I am way too lazy to make a picture out of my child's food for every meal, I've just started cutting her food into shapes. "Look Gemma! Your break is a diamond!" And it's WORKING! Homegirl is eating everything I put on her plate. Sometimes she spits it out, but just the fact that she's trying it and chewing it up is good enough for me. 

So tonight I got bold and decided to put carrots and celery along with her chicken. Sure, she smothered every last bit of that food in ketchup, but she ate it! She actually ate all of the carrots and even though she only chewed up the celery and spit it out..that's got to count for something, right? 

Try it! Let me know if you have any success!


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