Wednesday, February 15, 2012

100 books in a year.

I have put myself up to a task that seems pretty impossible at this point. 100 books in a year, or more like 11 months since I decided to start in February. With a husband and 2 year old to take care of, along with selling a house, and the possibility of a new child all in the next year...that is a daunting task.

I have always loved to read. My wild imagination paired with many days of being grounded (I love you Dad but you were wayyyy too strict <3) led to my fascination with fiction.

There is something sacred about libraries. They're so quiet and they smell like old paper. Filled with shelves and shelves of other people's stories. A library is one of the only places you can go these days without someone bothering you, i.e. people trying to sell you something, strangers making small talk, children screaming. I always loved checking out books and imagining who else had read them. I used to get about 7 books a week from my tiny local library and just burn through them one after another. I had to practically be dragged out of my room for things, and if I had to go to the bathroom I would hold it until I couldn't stand it anymore.

I'm not a snobby reader. I can appreciate almost any writing style, because more than anything I appreciate the imagination behind the stories. I do love me some classics though, Wuthering Heights being one of my all time favorites. But I also love an easy read. I'm not gonna lie, I freaking loved the Twilight series. Read all of them in a week, running into Walmart every other day like a crackhead looking for my fix. I'm not saying that good writing is indistinguishable from poor writing. Stephenie Meyer is no John Steinbeck...but you have to take a book for what it is, and just try to enjoy it.

Here is my list so far, it will be updated as I finish each novel. If you have any book suggestions, please leave them in the comments!

1) The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
2) Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
3) Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
4) Nanny Returns - Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus
5) Triumph - Carolyn Jessop
6) Stolen Innocence - Elissa Wall
7) Vinegar Hill- A. Manette Ansay
8) A Winter Haunting- Dan Simmons
9) Chinese Cinderella- Adeline Yen Mah
10) Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea- Chelsea Handler
11) Bossypants- Tina Fey
12) The End of Normal- Stephanie Madoff Mack
13) The Full Cupboard of Life- Alexander McCall Smith
14) In the Company of Cheerful Ladies-Alexander McCall Smith
15) Blue Shoes and Happiness- Alexander McCall Smith
16) The Good Husband of Zebra Drive- Alexander McCall Smith
17) The Miracle at Speedy Motors -Alexander McCall Smith
18) Tea Time for the Traditionally Built -Alexander McCall Smith
19) The Double Comfort Safari Club -Alexander McCall Smith
20) The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party -Alexander McCall Smith
21) Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang -Chelsea Handler
22) 50 Shades of Grey -EL James
23) 50 Shades Darker -EL James

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